Visit Lauderdale's New Branding Campaign "Everyone Under the Sun"

The new campaign photography and message focus on promoting an authentic welcoming vibe and a diverse and inclusive community.

We were commissioned to create the stills for a six-day motion & stills shoot incorporating a wide variety of locations and challenges throughout Broward County. We prepared for shooting from speeding airboats at dawn, boat to boat. Capturing images from a crane with our camera firing remotely while positioned over the water, working with sand sculpture on the beach in the mid-day sun, capturing live butterflies on cue, with the additional challenge of having control of the set for only fifteen minutes per scenario. 

Piggybacking stills on a video production brings its own set of challenges as the overall approach and time on set are driven by the director and AD. Working closely in tandem and appreciating that time is of the essence while maintaining an affable personal approach to challenging situations helps to insure a smooth and fruitful shoot.

I included a few extra shots, not on the shooting boards, that I was able to capture on the fly and send over to the agency. Once I’m on set, I shoot continuously and try to get those extra images that may not have made it onto the boards, but make for beautiful imagery.  The Creative Director wrote back:

“That George Kamper does some mighty fine work. To be honest, there are so many great shots we are just getting started with choosing more as the campaign rolls out. It’s a nice situation to be in to have more (and more) options to consider”.

George Kamper