The Loss of "Quality Attention" and my Solution, "Moving Stills"

Years ago, I loved spending time in the darkroom. I can't express enough, how much I miss it. The slimy feel of the developer, the smell of fix permeating the darkroom and my clothes…

I'm not complaining about the quality we're achieving today with digital, quite the contrary. I'm concerned that I can't show you how beautiful the final images actually are! Firstly, as a society, our attention span is greatly diminished… Let's face it, Art Buyers, Art Directors, me…We view scores of amazing images daily.

If I'm looking at a visual for more then 2 seconds, I'm bored…

The  Series we created, "Ten Meters to London", began as a self assigned project. Originally, to test how my new 5DMklll's would handle rapid focus in difficult situations. Exposing  divers streaking through the sky can be a challenge as well, and  evaluating how the camera would handle the capture in very contrasty and difficult lighting was important.



In the past, I'd spend days and days in the darkroom printing these images up. But, once in my book, you would have the opportunity to touch the paper, appreciate the tonality and crispness in them, feel the beauty of the whole experience. Today, you may look at them on the web for a few seconds, and possibly spend an extra moment or two with them if you were in need of a photographer that shot these types of images for a particular upcoming project.

Moving Stills is my answer to showing you the beauty of the moment. Almost demanding that the viewer fixates on one image.  Appreciating the craft that goes into making these tactile images.

I hope you enjoy the journey!